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Training plan Week 20 🇳🇴

Monday training (May 13th)

Meet at 18.00, Treningssenteret, Moholt

Strength training at Dragvoll from 18:45. We start running at 18 from the gym at Moholt (TPM). Remember student card!

Vogelintervaller (May 14th)

Meet at 18.00, Treningssenteret, Moholt

3 minute intervals. 90 seconds break. We run together from TPM at 18:00. We recommend terrain shoes.

Onstek (May 15th)

Meet at 17.30, Lille-P

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Strength training (May 15th)

Meet at 07.45, Treningssenteret, Moholt

Strength training with the XC skiing group. Start warm up at TPM 7:45, and start in sal 4 at Gløshaugen at 8:05.

Indoor football at Dragvoll (May 16th)

Meet at 18.30, Dragvoll

Football at Dragvoll between 18:30 and 20:00. Usually there are someone running from TPM. Check on slack!

Enger challenge (May 17th)

Meet at 13.00, Lille-P

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Lørtek (May 18th)

Meet at 09.00, Lille-P

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Individual training/rest day

Gratulerer med dagen!



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