DION introduces INCLUDE!

We would like to announce NTNU’s new Network for Staff with Disabilities, Neurodivergence, Chronic Illness and Mental Health Issues — called INCLUDE. For all employees & allies at all NTNU campuses.

We will host our first meeting on Monday 4 Sept, 12-13:00, on Teams to discuss planned activities, network goals and general operations. Please join us on Teams to access the meetings and information (link below).

Get in touch with us with any questions: includentnu@gmail.com. Also, you can follow us via our Facebook page, ‘Include NTNU’, and join our private Facebook group, ‘INCLUDE @NTNU’.

Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a7b2HqiqRghKVplnIQ5MbOiHA2C6BjGHecb-2Tfa_67Y1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=bcee21e2-cc2a-463d-bf7c-201e2187d6de&tenantId=09a10672-822f-4467-a5ba-5bb375967c05

SiN and Forskerforbundet workshop on Digital communication that works

The event will take place digitally on the 14th of September at 16.15. It is open to all PhDs and PostDocs and other temporary scientific employees.

Digital communication demands more of both you and your audience. You must be quicker and more precise because it is difficult to keep the attention through the screen. Therefore, structure, variety, and involvement become important keywords.

This course will give you tools and tips on how to become clearer and more engaging when you communicate digitally.

Continue reading “SiN and Forskerforbundet workshop on Digital communication that works”

Trondheim Foraging trip!

Welcome to the autumn of Trondheim, where the edible plants and mushrooms flourishing the mountains.DION is inviting all temporary scientific staff and their partners to 2-hour foraging trips led by certified plant & mushroom expert from Naturopplevelse Bösch.

DION will sponspor most part of the trip, you only need to pay 70 NOK/person for individual foraging trip after you received the confirmation email of your spot, kids are free. Sign up will close 3 days before each event or whenever it is fully booked (max. 15 participants)

In case of inquiring, please contact Fei : fei.song@ntnu.no

By signing up, you agree to be contacted by DION, and photographed during the event.

Continue reading “Trondheim Foraging trip!”