Pizza seminar with Forskerforbundet in Ålesund:

We hereby invite all temporary scientific staff at NTNU Ålesund to a seminar about the Nordic model and your rights as an employee. The seminar will give you insight in the unions and more specific the Norwegian Association of researchers (Forskerforbundet) role in Norway and at NTNU. 

The seminar will be offered on Wednesday November 8th at room: Ankeret: Sukkertoppen 
The event starts at 12:00 PM and finish around 1:30 PM. 

Register here:

Visit to Nidar Chocolate factory in Trondheim

Dear all,

we have a treat for all chocolate lovers in Trondheim. You are welcome to join the guided trip in Nidal Chocolate Factory in Trondheim on Monday 30th of October between 13.00 and 14.30. Register here and you will receive a confirmation email with all the details. There are 30 spots. If you cannot make it after all, send an email to us and we will give your spot to the person on the waiting list.

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