DION introduces INCLUDE!

We would like to announce NTNU’s new Network for Staff with Disabilities, Neurodivergence, Chronic Illness and Mental Health Issues — called INCLUDE. For all employees & allies at all NTNU campuses.

We will host our first meeting on Monday 4 Sept, 12-13:00, on Teams to discuss planned activities, network goals and general operations. Please join us on Teams to access the meetings and information (link below).

Get in touch with us with any questions: includentnu@gmail.com. Also, you can follow us via our Facebook page, ‘Include NTNU’, and join our private Facebook group, ‘INCLUDE @NTNU’.

Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a7b2HqiqRghKVplnIQ5MbOiHA2C6BjGHecb-2Tfa_67Y1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=bcee21e2-cc2a-463d-bf7c-201e2187d6de&tenantId=09a10672-822f-4467-a5ba-5bb375967c05

Workshop on scientific presentations with Michael P. Alley

When: June 5th, 16.00-17.15

Where: The seminar will be given online, but we will organize streaming in

B1, Bergbygget, Gløshaugen, Trondheim

Room G303, Gjøvik.

Snacks and drinks will be provded if you join the seminar physically!

Sign up by filling out this form. The zoom link will be provided before the event.

Continue reading “Workshop on scientific presentations with Michael P. Alley”

Candidates for DION Board 2023

DION is extremely pleased to introduce the candidates for the board 2023. The following candidates have shown interest and enthusiasm to run for DION president/vice president and board positions. We would like to remind you that it is still possible to announce your candidacy. You just need to fill out this form. You can even step forward as a candidate during AGM!

Continue reading “Candidates for DION Board 2023”