Ski Course with DION (Trondheim)

Dear all,

We would love to go skiing with you, so we would like to organize a course with Trondheims Skiklub! If you are interested, you can find some details here:

1. The weather at the moment makes it difficult to predict when we could do the course. Therefore we ask you to choose one of the indicated dates in the form which you can find at the end of this announcement.
2. The course costs 650 NOK. When we reach 30 people, the price will go down to 600 NOK. The course is unfortunately very expensive for us to take over completely. We would take over 150 NOK per person.
3. One instructor is provided per 6 people and the course lasts 1.5 hours, the equipment is included in the price.

If you have any questions, please contact me. And please share this info with friends and colleagues! 

Registration is open until Friday, 14.01,10 am. 

Registration form:

You will be contacted shortly after with more information. 

Christmas movie night and potluck (food share) joint event (Gjøvik)

—- Trondheim event posted below —-

Hello everyone and welcome to Christmas movie and potluck (food share) joint event! Let’s have some good food together and koser oss. You can (but not obliged to) contribute any dish(es) of your choice. It can be your national dish \ Christmas dish \ sweets \ anything really. DION will contribute pizza, snacks, soft drinks and some dishes.

You can come with your families and friends!

Please register and choose a movie here:

When: 10th December, Friday. Doors open at 17:30. Movie starts at 18:15.
Where: K102, Kobolt building, 1st Floor, NTNU Gjøvik.

Online Secret Santa generator og organisator for gavebytter!

Holiday Movie Night! (Trondheim)

Join DION for a cozy holiday movie night on Friday, December 10th in R9 at Realfagbygget (?Trondheim).

The doors open at 18:00 and the movie will start at 18:30?

We will serve snacks and drinks??

You are welcome to bring a friend???

Registration link:

Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting

The Language Tandem project has officially started. Since 28th October, 232 people have joined the Webex platform and started looking for tandem partners.  ENHANCE Alliance is organizing the Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting to present the project. You are in time to join us!

We would like to invite you to take part in the Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting. During the meeting, we will present the project and explain how it works. Below you can find the agenda for the meeting and the registration link.

Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting presentation will take place online on Thursday, November 25, from 14:00 to 15:30 (UTC+1:00).

Please find more details and register here: