Board Elections for temporary academic staff – propose candidates by 20 March at 16.00h

Styrevalg for midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte –  foreslå kandidater innen 20. mars kl 1600

NTNUs styre tar viktige beslutninger om universitets faglige utvikling og bruk av ressurser. Kjenner du noen som kunne gjort en god jobb i NTNU-styret? Som velger har du innflytelse ikke bare ved å stemme, men også ved å fremme kandidater.

Vi trenger kandidater av begge kjønn og fra alle deler av universitetets virksomhet. Kandidatene må være ansatt i minst 50 % stilling og ha et tilsettingsforhold som dekker valgperioden (dvs. ut juni 2020). Kandidatene må beherske norsk skriftlig og muntlig. Styremedlemmer får honorar for møtene.

Forslag undertegnes av tre stemmeberettigete fra samme velgergruppe. Kandidatene bør forespørres om de er villige til å stille til valg. Forslag sendes til senest onsdag 20. mars kl 1600. Du finner forslagsark på valgsiden.


Board Elections for temporary academic staff – propose candidates by 20 March at 16.00h

The Board takes important decisions on the academic development and distribution of resources at the university. Would you like to contribute by stepping forward as a candidate or by proposing a candidate to the elections?

We need candidates of both gender and from all parts of the university. Candidates must have at least a 50 % position which covers the elected term (that is a work contract till 30 June 2020). The working language of the Board is Norwegian, so candidates must master Norwegian sufficiently to read meeting documents and actively engage in the deliberations of the Board. The members are compensated for the work.

Proposals must be signed by three temporary academic staff. Candidates should be asked if they are willing to stand for elections. Proposals should be sent to no later than Wednesday 20 March at 16.00 hours.  Use the template which is linked up on the elections webpage.

DION Grants 2019 winners

DION’s call for Grants applications 2019 is finished!

Now we are happy to announce the successful applicants:

1. “OK Computer: Being a researcher in the digital era”, Dimitra Christidou (Department of Computer Science)
2. “HOW TO PITCH YOUR RESEARCH “STORY” TO A NON-ACADEMIC AUDIENCE” (Department of Sociology & Political Science)
3. “Laser tag in Gjøvik”, Fereshteh Mirjalili (Department of Computer Science)
4. “Stoic Principles for a Healthy Academic Life”, Logan Reed Vallandingham (Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management)


DION thanks all the applicants who submitted their applications and encourages all members to apply next year!

We are looking forward for all supported activities!


University Board elections

Til midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte,

Er du selv kandidat eller kjenner noen som kunne gjort en god jobb i NTNU-styret? Forslag på kandidater fremmes innen onsdag 20. mars. Forslagsskjema finner du på nettsiden for valget:

Sjekk også via «valgweb» at du står riktig oppført i manntallet. Feil forekommer og manntallet vil ikke bli rettet etter klagefristen onsdag 6. mars. Du finner lenke til «valgweb» på nettsiden over.


To Temporary Academic Staff,

Are you a candidate yourself, or do you know someone who could do a good job on the NTNU Board? Send your candidate proposal by Wednesday 20 March. Visit the website for the board elections to find out how you do this:

We also encourage you to check via “valgweb” your listing in the register of voters before the closing date for submitting complaints 6 March. You find a link to “valgweb” on the above website.


Ida Munkeby (Organisasjonsdirektør/Director of Organization)