DION Grant Winners for Summer 2024

Congratulations to the DION Grant Winners for Summer 2024!

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the DION Grant for Summer 2024. This year, we received an impressive array of applications, and we are excited to support initiatives that foster networking, learning, and skill enhancement among PhD candidates, postdocs, and other temporary scientific employees at NTNU.

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DION Grant Application: Summer 2024

All PhD candidates, postdocs, and other temporary scientific employees at any NTNU campus are eligible to apply for a grant (up to 2000 NOK) to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and postdocs to network, learn, and enrich their experience. Please note that master’s degree students are NOT eligible. If there are applicants from Trondheim, Gjøvik, and Ålesund, DION will prioritize granting one to each of the three cities.

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SiN Newsletter

The Association of Doctoral Organisations in Norway (Stipendiatorganisasjonene i Norge), or SiN for short, is a free and politically independent organization. SiN in as an umbrella organization for interest organizations for doctoral candidates and/or early career researchers (such as postdocs) at Norwegian higher educational institutions. Its goal is to ensure PhDs and post-docs’ academic rights.

Wonder what they have been doing? Check out their latest newsletter!

Opinion on new regulations for Norwegian as working language in higher education

DION was contacted by Karina Mahan, leader of the research group ‘Language Practice in Education’ at NTNU, about an opinion article of new language regulations in higher education sector. 

As many of our members have international background, the DION board considered it relevant for its members, and has therefor decided to share this information with you. However we would like to highlight that this opinion piece doesn’t present DION´s attitude on that matter. 

Continue reading “Opinion on new regulations for Norwegian as working language in higher education”

DION introduces INCLUDE!

We would like to announce NTNU’s new Network for Staff with Disabilities, Neurodivergence, Chronic Illness and Mental Health Issues — called INCLUDE. For all employees & allies at all NTNU campuses.

We will host our first meeting on Monday 4 Sept, 12-13:00, on Teams to discuss planned activities, network goals and general operations. Please join us on Teams to access the meetings and information (link below).

Get in touch with us with any questions: includentnu@gmail.com. Also, you can follow us via our Facebook page, ‘Include NTNU’, and join our private Facebook group, ‘INCLUDE @NTNU’.

Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a7b2HqiqRghKVplnIQ5MbOiHA2C6BjGHecb-2Tfa_67Y1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=bcee21e2-cc2a-463d-bf7c-201e2187d6de&tenantId=09a10672-822f-4467-a5ba-5bb375967c05