skiraffen Trykk her for kule linker Trykk her for å se bilder

Solennes hjemmeside:

Hei hei !

Because it’s better to see pictures than read boring and useless things, I will try to present myself with few ones :-)

First, I’m a French girl

I'm comming from Grenoble, in the Alps.

I'm a SKIraff!, so it means that I like to do Langrenn.

Even if sometimes it's really, really hard!

And if you need to find a solution against recent global warming, call me!

But, I also like to climb

To visit all the beautiful places we have (Vallée Blanche at Chamonix)

Besides, I like to cook

And of course, to eat what I've cooked;)

Sometimes I can be in a bad mood

But hopefully, it's rare, and I more often smile (I hope^^)

See U at SKIraffen!

Gamle helter
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- Jeg er så jævlig god på Birken
